04 Aug 2009

QSC “Takes A Chance”

QSC “Takes A Chance”

qsys system diagram QSC Takes A Chance

I got a call to use one of the Capybara tunes as a demo for QSC at Infocomm 2009. The demo was for their Q-Sys Integrated system platform and judging by the picture, it’s pretty freaking fancy!

For the demo, I had to do a bit of a remix because they wanted to demonstrate the 2d panner portion of the system. It’s a way to take any input and route it to any output. To do that, I had to create a 7.1 surround mix with each of the elements (drums, bass, organ, guitar and vocals) on their own tracks. Then, they could take any element from the 7.1 mix and move it around to various speakers they had in the room. Pretty cool!

Here’s a regular stereo mix of the 7.1.

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22 Jun 2009

Dave Perkins says;

I listened to this on my headset that is designed for talking on a phone — and I *still* got the chills!

22 Jun 2009

Nate says;

Because you were looking at that picture!

22 Jun 2009

Dave Perkins says;

I didn’t even realize that! But it’s so true!